🎙️ PRO: Mag7 Deep Dive

[5 minutes to read] Plus: Are the Mag7 attractive businesses?


Dear Clients,

There has been a lot of buzz around the “Magnificient 7" stocks recently.

But what’s the key information you need to know?

Let’s dive in 👇🏻

— The We Study Markets team

Mag7 Revenue Growth

The “Mag7,” aka Tesla, Microsoft, Meta, Nvidia, Google, Apple, and Amazon, are some of the biggest businesses in the world.

These businesses have wide moats around their operations and benefit from positive network effects.

This section looks at Mag7 growth and who’s leading the pack. The chart below highlights the revenue growth in Mag7 names since the start of 2018:

Here is the breakdown:

  • Tesla + 665%

  • Nvidia +659%

  • Meta + 209%

  • Amazon +181%

  • Google +167%

  • Microsoft +115%

  • Apple + 96%

  • Average: +285%

This is tremendous growth. But how much of this revenue can be translated into free cash flow?

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